La Delegación ProvinThe Provincial Delegation of the F.N.A.P.H.G. received in audience by the Governor of the Province of Ogouée-Maritimecial de la F.N.A.P.H.G. recibida en audiencia por el Gobernador de la Provincia de Ogouée-Maritime

The first authority of the province of Ogooué-Maritime, Paul NGOME AYONG, received in audience the provincial delegation of the National Federation of Associations of and for Disabled Persons of Gabon, led by the provincial delegate Annie Edwige ADANHODOU. The latter came to present the members of its board and its action plan 2022 which contains actions of sensitization and training for adults and children. It will also be a question of commemorating the International Day of Disabled Persons on December 3rd.

Microfinance And Development Adequacy

The NGO Carrefour De La Diversité organized on July 02, 2022 at the town hall of the 3rd district of the town of Port-Gentil, a conference-debate on the theme of microfinance and development. The participants, mainly project holders looking for financing, were amply informed about the credit granting process and the importance of entrepreneurial training.

AWA's BLOG - Focus on Young Mothers

Every year, approximately 400,000 young teenagers between the ages of 10 and 14 give birth to a child in the world, according to a study published this Wednesday, June 15, by the National Institute of Demographic Studies (INED). Elles sont si jeunes qu’elles sont reste?es longtemps hors des radars des statistiques de?mographiques. Chaque anne?e, sur la plane?te, au moins 400 000 adolescentes de 10 a? 14 ans donnent naissance a? des enfants, ont calcule? deux chercheurs de l’Universite? catholique de Louvain, Bruno Schoumaker et David A. Sanchez-Paez. Leurs travaux sont publie?s ce 15 juin dans la revue Population et socie?te? de l’Institut national d’e?tudes de?mographiques (Ined).

SUCCESS : Give Us The Hand

"The best friend is the one who always reaches out to you" (Aristotle) All crises have a particularity: they open up periods of uncertainty. All crises have a particularity: they open up periods of uncertainty. Very often, they correspond, for societies, to phases of introspection and transition. They are almost always accompanied by questioning. They lead, sometimes but not always, to the recovery of lost values.