
Frequently Asked Questions

You will find here the frequently asked questions about Manibus Television. They are designed to respond to the best to all your questions.

What is MANIBUS Television?

Manibus Television is a multidisciplinary association of mutual aid and social action called Manibus TV. To strengthen the popularization of the actions carried out to improve the associative aspect and the actions in favor of the development of the Man, we launch the first exclusively social television channel of the country.

What are the objectives of Manibus School?

Manibus School's objectives are to raise awareness, promote distance learning and strengthen skills

What is Manibus at Kwat for?

Manibus in Kwat serves to contribute to socio-cultural developments.

What programs does Manibus tv offer?

In collaboration with various NGOs, MANIBUS TELEVISION offers programs of a socio-cultural nature

Apart from your programs, what else do you share?

In addition to our programs, we share the social news of the country and the international in real time

What does Manibus assist us with?

We put at your disposal our knowledge of the field for your various social and cultural actions

What is your location?

We are located in Gabon, more precisely in the city of Port-Gentil

Can we have an email address and contact information to be in touch with you?

You can contact us at + 241 77 76 20 34 and send us emails at manibustv@gmail.com

What are the rights of the orphan?

Each orphan is entitled until the age of 21 to a pension equal to 10% of the pension that the deceased official held or could have obtained. However, all of the orphan's pensions may not exceed 40% of the deceased employee's pension.

What are the problems encountered in the context of child protection?

Due to their vulnerability, children may be victims of abuse, poverty, poor sanitary conditions and “unacceptable” work (child soldiers, forced prostitution, pornography, forced labour, trafficking and illicit activities).

When are you considered an orphan?

If, in the collective unconscious, an orphan child is a child who has lost both parents or an abandoned child, the dictionary removes all ambiguity as to what defines an orphan: "child who has lost his father or his mother , or both ".

What is World Day of the African Child?

This Day of the African Child is an annual event that commemorates the 1976 massacre of Soweto children by the apartheid regime. Global action against poverty coalitions have chosen this occasion to make it the African White Band Day and to make a regional request to the leaders of the countries concerned so that they act immediately to eradicate the extreme poverty which causes death. of a child every 3 seconds on average.

Why Martial Arts Night?

For the Association of Martial Arts and Combat Sports Schools, it is important to close the sports season with an innovative concept. When we practice Martial Arts, we avoid many things. And these young people, by doing Martial Arts tonight, will encourage the children to practice sports.

Why participate in the martial arts night?

It is important for the Association of Martial Arts and Combat Sports Schools to close the sports season with an innovative concept. When we practice Martial Arts, we avoid many things. And these young people, by doing Martial Arts this night will be more curious and will want to practice the sport.

What is a child-friendly city or community?

Child-friendly cities are a global network of more than 3,500 members in which children's voices, needs, priorities and rights are an integral part of public policies, decisions and programmes. A child-friendly city, the town hallBy signing a three-year memorandum with Dr Noël Marie ZAGRE, UNICEF Representative for Gabon, Sao Tome & Principe and with ECCAS, Mayor Gabriel TCHANGO committed the economic capital to a challenge that should, if all goes well, lead the oil city to obtain the “Child Friendly City” label.

What is it about ?

"Child-Friendly" is a label that UNICEF attributes to a city, a community or any system of local governance that is committed to respecting the rights of the child anchored in the Convention on the Rights of the Child adopted in the United Nations on November 20, 1989.

What does Manibus Tv do?

We are involved in socio-cultural programs such as: With NGOs: Make yourself known, The weather forecast, Reports, Le Journal, Le Morning, Board games (Children's rights), Thematic programs Innovative projects and calls for donations.

What is child protection?

Child protection aims to ensure that the basic needs of children are taken into account, to support their physical, emotional, intellectual and social development and to preserve their health, safety, morals and education. The International Convention on the Rights of the Child, or Convention on the Rights of the Child, is an international treaty adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations Organization on November 20, 1989 with the aim of recognizing and protecting the specific rights of children.