
Since 2019, thanks to SOS CANCER Benin, the association Agir pour le cancer that I preside over and which is composed solely of women who survived breast and/or cervical cancer, our activities revolve around the following:

Launch of the NGO Agir Pour Le Handicap À L'École Vacation Camp

From July 1 to August 15, 2022, the NGO Agir pour le Handicap à l'École is organizing a holiday camp for children with motor and/or psychological disorders. An initiative supported by the Honorable Jean Michel OTANDAULT who personally attended the launch of activities. "Devoting a little time to others, it must be done with the heart. That is why I wanted to express it with my heart and I thank you. Congratulations to you!" Honorable Jean Michel OTANDAULT


Pink October: the National Office for the Development of Sport and Culture campaigned in Port-Gentil. The National Office for the Development of Sport and Culture (ONDSC) devoted every Saturday in October to a campaign to raise awareness among women about breast and cervical cancer.

International Sickle Cell Day In Port-Gentil

Sickle cell disease, also known as sickle cell anemia, is a hematological genetic disease affecting red blood cells. It is caused by an abnormality of hemoglobin, the main protein of the red blood cell. On the occasion of the International Day of Debreeding in Port-Gentil, the association Sourire d'un Enfant in partnership with the Junior Chamber International organized on June 19, 2022 at the Provincial Directorate of the Family a coffee-conference with the backdrop of the debreeding and the CNAMGS.